Collection of panels for recycling – Bytom woj. Silesian

Collection of panels for recycling - Bytom woj. Silesian
Collection of panels for recycling - Bytom woj. Silesian

Collection of panels for recycling – Bytom woj. Silesian

Both small and large installers and distributors of photovoltaic panels have modules in stock that cannot be installed for various reasons. According to the information that reaches us, there are quite a few of them. Although sometimes these are manufacturing defects, they are more often transport damage and also damage caused during installation. However, each of them is only suitable for panel recycling.

There are also panels that have been damaged as a result of force majeure, that is, damaged during hailstorms or windstorms.

Such photovoltaic modules are not reusable and should be disposed of by recycling.

Panel reception – more than 250 pieces of damaged modules

We were approached by a company from Bytom with a province. śląskie, which is engaged in the construction of photovoltaic farms. During the ongoing work on a number of photovoltaic farms with a total capacity of nearly 5 MW, some of the panels were damaged. Photovoltaic modules from various brands, ranging from JinKo to TrinaSolar, Astronergy, LG, LONGi and Leapton. Different powers, different types: bifacial, monofacial, polycrystalline and monocrystalline. In a word, to choose from to color, that is, almost a full overview among photovoltaic panels that appear on our domestic market. The only thing they had in common – was that they were no longer usable.

How to report the panels for recycling?

The company that approached us found our phone number on the Internet – we are one of the few recycling photovoltaic modules.

After contacting us by phone, we asked for information on the number of panels and their location to be sent via email. We carry out the collection of modules in 3 ways:

  1. The customer delivers the damaged panels with his transport
  2. The panels reach us through one of the courier companies
  3. Receive modules on their own

This time we picked up the panels with our transport. The weight of a single one fluctuates around 20-30 kilograms, so in total we had almost 6 tons to collect. In addition, the panels were not gathered in one place but had to, in order to collect them, visit 3 locations. The first location, close by, because in our province that is Silesia. The second in Lower Silesia and the third near Krakow. We brought the largest batch of panels from the Lower Silesian province – more than 4 tons, so this shipment was the first.

Thanks to proper coordination of activities, properly organized logistics, we took back all the panels in 4 days from the notification, that is, we emptied the damaged and damaged panels in storage.

Recycling photovoltaic panels or is it a necessity?

Photovoltaic panels cannot simply be thrown away, popularly known as “in the garbage.”

There is also an obligation to report these devices to the BDO system, which results in special control over their circulation. Therefore, maintaining order in the record-keeping process is key to ensuring effective and compliant management of electro-waste.

Collection of panels for recycling – Bytom woj. Silesia – SUMMARY:

Location: Silesia Province, Bytom

Data: more than 250 pieces of photovoltaic panels of various brands, with a total weight of more than 6 tons!

Description: photovoltaic modules damaged during work on photovoltaic farms

Are you planning to build your photovoltaic farm or looking for an O&M service company?

Do you want to purchase a photovoltaic or wind farm project and need an efficient and professional audit / due diligence?

Are you looking for a photovoltaic panel recycleror cleaning company for photovoltaic installations and farms?

If you are ready to act, so are we!

Call! +48 797 897 895

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Lighthief is innovation, technology and science in the service of recycling photovoltaic panels and wind farms. The company's topics of interest touch on recovery and recycling in the broadest sense, mainly in the field of RES, or renewable energy sources.


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+ 48 797 897 895

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