Important announcement from the ERO – concerns the correction of applications for certificates of origin. The announcement is related to the negative energy prices recorded in December on the Polish Power Exchange (POLPX). Previously, such a situation occurred in October 2023.
Certificate of origin, a document that confirms that electricity was generated from renewable energy sources – the so-called RES. Certificates are issued by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO ), in electronic form.
With the certificate of origin we receive, we acquire property rights that can be sold on the Polish Power Exchange.
Important announcement – negative energy prices
As we can read on the website URE (Energy Regulatory Authority):
“According to the regulations contained in the Law on Renewable Energy Sources, a certificate of origin is not granted to electricity generated in a RES installation during delivery hours for which the volume-weighted average exchange-traded prices of energy from the day-ahead market were lower than PLN 0 per megawatt hour, for at least six consecutive hours.”
On December 25, 2023, prices on the Commodity Power Exchange went into negative territory for more than six consecutive hours. Energy prices of the previous day’s market from midnight to 10 am reached negative values. They ranged from -5.87 PLN/MWh to -47.76 PLN/MWh. Therefore, according to the aforementioned law, power generators should correct their applications for certificates of origin. Applications are submitted to the ERO president through the electricity operator.
What if I don’t send a correction to the application for certificates of origin?
If the energy producer does not send the ERO president a correction to the application for a certificate of origin, then the ERO president will send a call for sending a corresponding application. This will result in a significant increase in the time it takes to receive certificates of origin. So it’s better to send a correction right away than wait for the ERO president to call.
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