Frosts in Poland – How to take care of a photovoltaic installation during frosts?

Frosts in Poland – How to take care of a photovoltaic installation during frosts?

The winter of early 2024 in Poland is exceptionally cold. Temperatures have plummeted below -20 degrees Celsius, and in some regions have persisted for more than a dozen days. Such conditions can be extreme for photovoltaic installations. Although by design we tailor the design of the pv system to work in cold weather, we should check that everything is ok with our small power plant.

Therefore, it is important to take proper care of the photovoltaic system during cold weather.

Do you know how to take care of a photovoltaic system during freezing weather? And do you know what damage frost can do to a photovoltaic system? Do you want your photovoltaic system to operate efficiently and reliably all year round?

Frosts in Poland – How to take care of a photovoltaic installation during frosts?

Photovoltaic panels on a snow-covered roof

The optimal temperature for the operation of a photovoltaic system is 25°C. At this temperature, photovoltaic panels reach their highest efficiency of about 20%. As the temperature drops, the efficiency of photovoltaic panels decreases. At 0°C, we note the efficiency of the panels at about 15%. By contrast, at -20°C, efficiency drops to about 10%.

Do you clean photovoltaic panels of snow and ice? Snow and ice can reduce the performance of photovoltaic panels. Therefore, when we see that the snow has been lying on the modules for a long time we should remove it. We should carry out the removal of snow from the surface of the modules in a way that is safe for both the panels and ourselves.

Therefore, after the snow comes off the panels and after the blizzards and strong winds that often accompany changes in the weather, it is important to make sure that they are still properly attached to the structure. If any damage is noticed, it should be repaired immediately.

It is imperative that we make sure that the inverter is properly ventilated. Why? Well, because at low temperatures condensation can cause damage to the inverter.

Frosts in Poland – How to take care of a photovoltaic installation during frosts? – SUMMARY.

Remember to remove snow and ice from photovoltaic panels. After violent weather events, let’s check whether the photovoltaic modules are still properly holding on to the structure. For this reason, let’s regularly check the photovoltaic system for damage. (It’s actually not just during the severe cold of winter.)

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Lighthief is innovation, technology and science in the service of recycling photovoltaic panels and wind farms. The company's topics of interest touch on recovery and recycling in the broadest sense, mainly in the field of RES, or renewable energy sources.


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+ 48 797 897 895

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