Our services
Photovoltaic farms
Are you looking for a partner to help you with the design of a photovoltaic power plant and its construction, or to carry out ”due diligence” (verification) of the documentation of the entire plant or project you want to acquire? Are you looking for a turnkey photovoltaic farm project that has all the right permits and approvals? See how we can help you.
O&M/Service for photovoltaic power plants
A photovoltaic farm is a profitable investment, but you need to make sure that its operation, maintenance and sustained production are taken care of by a proven contractor! Passive and active management of photovoltaic farm and also proper selection of PPAs. See how we can help you.
Recycling photovoltaic panels
We collect damaged photovoltaic panels for recycling from all over Poland and Europe, dismantling large photovoltaic farms for repowering and smaller photovoltaic installations. If you are looking for a company to carry out this process for you, we invite you to cooperate with us!
Cleaning photovoltaic panels
We were the first company in Poland to start cleaning large-scale installation and photovoltaic farms. We conduct joint research with Czestochowa University of Technology on the impact of dirt on yields and provide Our PV module cleaning services in Poland and Europe. See how we can help you.
“Authorized Representative” services for
Introducing photovoltaic panels.
Photovoltaic panel manufacturers.
Vendors and large wholesalers of photovoltaic panels.
Introducing installation companies or entities that fulfill the terms of the Law of September 11, 2015 on waste electrical and electronic equipment.
About us
We do not want to “SELL” Our services, but to take an active part in the purchasing processes of Our contractors. Showing them how to combine the right business goals in the renewable energy industry with care for the environment and its resources! Repeating after Edison: “We bet on the sun and the wind!” we are helping RES companies grow!
Lighthief is innovation, technology and science in the service of recycling photovoltaic panels and wind farms. The company’s topics of interest touch on recovery and recycling in the broadest sense, mainly in the field of RES, or renewable energy sources.
Supported photovoltaic installations and farms in Poland
Customers with O&M Lighthief subscription services
Washed photovoltaic installations/farms
What the process of receiving photovoltaic panels for recycling by Lighthief looks like
We collect the following groups of photovoltaic panels for recycling:
O&M Lighthief Subscription
- We apply our subscription services to solutions for photovoltaic installations as small as 50KW. They allow us to respond to the needs of our contractors, related to professional and active service of their investments in photovoltaic installations and farms. The service cost includes not only monitoring our clients’ photovoltaic installations but also their cleaning, drone flights and inspections, yield forecasts, and thermographic audits. We believe that only such a “tailored” comprehensive service will give our partners tangible benefits and a true picture of the profits from RES investments.
Other services
We provide full installation services, conduct research projects, and all services are directed to both companies and individuals.
How can we help you develop your RES project or problems related to it?
The world of RES presents many challenges, questions, doubts and legal difficulties. If you are struggling with these very challenges, the RES EXPERTS ‘ INQUIRY is just for you. He who asks does not wander and we are open to your questions also to work!
- Not sure how to report photovoltaic panels to BDO?
- Your panels in your home installation or photovoltaic farm have been damaged by wind, mechanical damage, or you just want to recycle your photovoltaic panels and don’t know how to go about it?
- Are you interested in any of Our innovative products for example energy storage, photovoltaic panel cleaning robots, wind turbine walls or vertical axis wind turbines?
- Perhaps you’re wondering what cleaning a photovoltaic installation or farm is all about and if it pays off?
- Wondering if O&M services are the right choice for your photovoltaic installation or farm?
- Would you like to know if your photovoltaic installation needs a thermal imaging audit?
- Want advice on how to increase the yield on your photovoltaic farm or how to oversee the construction process?
These and similar questions are exactly what you can ask us.
After ordering an expert consultation and confirming the content with you, you will hear back from Our specialist in your chosen field. It is usually one of our directors, lawyers or specialists.
The consultation usually lasts about 30 minutes and we will try completely free of charge to point out an initial solution to your question. We can’t promise to always find a solution to your problem but we can promise to start the process of finding the answer.
The consultation in no way obliges you to use our services and is intended to serve as a preliminary analysis of the issue suggested by you.
Our strategic partners
Our strategic partner providing us with software in the field of thermal audits, calculations and forecasts for photovoltaic installations and farms. Working with them is a key component of Our innovative ABONAMEN O&M LIGHTHIEF service, tailored for installations from 50KW upwards.
A very thriving company, providing us with excellent service and technical support. Working with Us in the field of photovoltaic panel recycling and construction, development and O&M services for photovoltaic farms.
Częstochowa University of Technology – Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Together with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Częstochowa University of Technology and Professor Adam Jakubas, we are conducting a number of research and technological implementations related to RES. The scientific facilities of the university and the possibilities of operating in a consortium give us a very large research and development capacity.
Cooperation regarding machines and robots that wash photovoltaic panels. Their manufacturing process, which begins on the monitors of engineers and designers, followed by in-house production of sub-assemblies, components and, finally, assembly of equipment on production in truly “sterile” conditions, allows us to respond properly to the demand of the market for cleaning photovoltaic installations and farms.
A good broker is the basis for successful energy changes. That’s why Maggio is Our Partner. They provide full service as well as taking care of the Company along with carrying out all the formalities related to the implementation of changes within the distribution as well as the process of changing the seller.
Polonia Academy in Częstochowa
Our research partner with whom we are developing and planning to build a photovoltaic farm with a capacity of more than 3MW in the Lodz province. In addition, providing us with scientific support and very active research and implementation facilities.