Arkadiusz Sybaris

Construction step by step

Construction step by step How to build a photovoltaic farm of about 1MW : step-by-step process The construction of a photovoltaic (PV) farm brings tangible environmental as well as financial benefits. In this video we present the entire process of building a photovoltaic farm in terms of the implementation of the investment after obtaining all … Read more

How to block the construction of a photovoltaic farm?

How to block the construction of a photovoltaic farm? That is, a short guide to positive thinking and fighting the myths surrounding the design and construction of photovoltaic power plants!!! Have you ever wondered how you can influence the planned construction of a photovoltaic farm in your area? While the question may sound controversial, there … Read more

Own photovoltaic farm

Own photovoltaic farm Own Photovoltaic Farm – Key Aspects of Developing a Photovoltaic Project. Investing in your own photovoltaic farm is a decision that has numerous benefits, both economically and environmentally. The development of PV (photovoltaic) technology is making the renewable energy sector increasingly attractive to investors. However, in order to maximize the potential and … Read more

Service elements of photovoltaic farms

Service elements of photovoltaic farms A quick return to the past season means we are washing the photovoltaic farm near Kalisz. Unfortunately, the washing robot had to go to service and we operate manually:) However, such washing has its advantages – first of all, it is very thorough. Each panel is viewed by the operator … Read more

Estonia wants to be 100% green

Estonia wants to be 100% ‘green Transition to 100% renewable energy in Estonia Estonia, a country with a developed energy infrastructure. This country is taking ambitious measures to accelerate the transition to 100% renewable electricity by 2030. The Estonian government, supported the draft proposal of the Minister of Economy and Infrastructure. Consequently, he plans to … Read more

Monitoring photovoltaic farms vs. hackers

Monitoring photovoltaic farms vs. hackers Service and Monitoring of Photovoltaic Farms vs. Hacking Attacks: Challenges, Threats and Security. Today’s photovoltaic farms, which use solar energy to generate electricity, play a key role in energy transition and sustainability. As they grow, so do new challenges related to their service, monitoring and security. One of the main … Read more

Exploring the burning mystery

Exploring the burning mystery Why do photovoltaic panels catch fire? Photovoltaic panels adorning the roofs of Polish homes have become an increasingly familiar sight. However, as the number of installations increases, so does the frequency of their failures. Recently, reports of fires involving these panels have increased. What is behind this pressing problem? What are … Read more

Huge photovoltaic farm in Canada

Huge photovoltaic farm in Canada Rio Tinto will build a huge solar farm in Canada’s north In a groundbreaking initiative, Australian company Rio Tinto is set to build a colossal photovoltaic power plant in Canada’s Northwest Territories. The innovative move is aimed at powering the Diavik diamond mine. The mine, located about 200 kilometers below … Read more

Artificial Intelligence vs. solar farms

Artificial Intelligence vs. solar farms We all hear the media hype, science hype and often a bit of PR hype around artificial intelligence (AI). Today’s smart technologies can revolutionize almost any industry, including renewable energy. For example, let’s take a peek at a rather interesting 2021 World Economic Forum publication. ”Using Artificial Intelligence to Accelerate … Read more


Lighthief is innovation, technology and science in the service of recycling photovoltaic panels and wind farms. The company's topics of interest touch on recovery and recycling in the broadest sense, mainly in the field of RES, or renewable energy sources.


St. Kazimierza 2B, 42-226 Częstochowa, Poland

+ 48 797 897 895

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+48 797 897 895