Change in the Clean Air Program

Change in the Clean Air Program – announced on the website of theNational Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW).

What are the planned changes? From when will they be effective? And, most importantly, why was it decided to modify the rules previously in place?

In a release, NFOSiGW wrote:

In view of the disturbing activities related to the sale on the Polish market and the subsidization under the “Clean Air” program (PPCP or program) of heat pumps that do not actually meet the parameters declared in the product card and energy label, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW) – in consultation with, among others. with representatives of the industry of heat pump manufacturers and distributors, as well as the public – developed additional requirements that, with a transition period, will take effect on April 1, 2024.

Change in the Clean Air Program
Source: National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Change in the Clean Air Program – REASON.

As we wrote earlier, follow-up visits to those who have decided to install a heat pump are scheduled for early this year. (Link to entry: Clean Air Program 2024 (

Mainly, the changes are dictated by concern for the interests of people using Heat Pumps. The idea is to ensure that equipment delivered to customers meets certain standards. That’s why NFOSiGW has introduced strict guidelines.

What changes to the Clean Air program?

The Clean Air changes have been in place since January 2024, but due to the transition period, it will ultimately not be until April 1, 2024 that the new rules will be fully in effect.

Requirements for heat pumps

The device’s parameters will have to be confirmed by independent, accredited laboratories from the EU (European Union) or EFTA (i.e. European Free Trade Association). Then, the distributor or manufacturer must provide tests of the device. This study must meet the requirements of the PPCP. PPCP, or the Clean Air Program. We will only enter as an eligible cost the equipment that will be included in the list of green equipment and materials, i.e. ZUM.

As we read on the Clean Air website, heat pumps will be added to the ZUM list. However, no further than April 1, 2024. The ministry oversees the program and reports that there will also be changes for gasifying boilers. However, the changes will be limited to the need to include the boiler in the ZUM list. This is directly related to the subsequent ability to select a boiler from this list.

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