Service / review of photovoltaics, or how to check your power plant?

Photovoltaic service/review, or how to check your power plant

We should perform an inspection of the photovoltaic system regularly to ensure its proper operation and maintain maximum efficiency.

Service / inspection of photovoltaics
  1. In our experience, we should do an inspection of the photovoltaic system at least once a year. You might also consider twice-yearly inspections – in spring and fall – to monitor the condition of the panels before and after periods of increased rainfall or dust.
  2. Spring reviews. Spring inspection can be particularly important, as sediment, leaves and other debris can accumulate on panels after winter. It’s also worth checking for winter weather damage.
  3. Autumn reviews. Ahead of the upcoming winter season, it is a good idea to carry out autumn inspections to ensure that the installation is ready for possible snowfall and cold weather.
  4. The best time to conduct an inspection is on a cloudy or cool day, since photovoltaic modules are not threatened by direct sunlight. We should also turn off the installation during inspection to avoid the risk of electrocution.
  5. Of course, there are elements that the installation owner can check on his own. But to assess the condition of the panels, wiring, inverter and the entire photovoltaic system, have the system professionally inspected.
  6. If you notice any problems, such as damage or a drop in productivity, you should take immediate action to avoid further problems and loss of production.

    Regular: service / inspection of photovoltaics are key to the long-term and efficient operation of the entire photovoltaic system.

Service / Photovoltaic inspection

Regulations govern how inspections of electrical installations should be carried out. At this point it is worth recalling that ANY photovoltaic installation is an electrical installation.

One of the most important regulations is EN 62446. EN 62446, is a European standard for photovoltaic systems. It is this, which specifies the requirements for inspection and measurement of PV (photovoltaic) systems in terms of safety and performance. This standard provides guidelines for evaluating the electrical and mechanical performance of a photovoltaic system.

If you need a solar power plant inspection at your location, —> Contact

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Lighthief is innovation, technology and science in the service of recycling photovoltaic panels and wind farms. The company's topics of interest touch on recovery and recycling in the broadest sense, mainly in the field of RES, or renewable energy sources.


St. Kazimierza 2B, 42-226 Częstochowa, Poland

+ 48 797 897 895

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