Financing a photovoltaic farm?

Financing a photovoltaic farm?

Do you want to build your photovoltaic farm but don’t know how to go about it on the financial side?

Here a rather ”juicy” podcast featuring Konrad, who specializes in obtaining financing for renewable energy sources.

Konrad has been working with Nami for some time and I appreciate him for his lack of abrasiveness and great openness. If your investment needs the help of a financing specialist then you can certainly contact him at the details below: tel. 571 303 589

The right approach to financing RES investments is extremely important. With the rising cost of debt service, the entire structure of the deal must be thoughtful and balanced!

In Poland, the construction of a photovoltaic farm can be financed in a variety of ways, which are available to both companies and individuals or local government units. Financing a photovoltaic farm?

Here are some of the main methods:

  1. European Union grants and structural funds:
    • As a member of the European Union, Poland has access to European funds that can be used for investment in renewable energy sources, including photovoltaics. Programs such as the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment or the Operational Program Intelligent Development often offer support for RES projects.
  2. National and regional subsidies:
    • Various government agencies and local government units may offer subsidy programs or tax credits for companies and individuals investing in photovoltaics.
  3. Bank loans and private financing:
    • Commercial banks and financial institutions offer a variety of loan products specifically for RES investments. These opportunities often include more favorable financing terms, lower interest rates or longer loan terms.
  4. Government support programs:
    • Programs such as “My Current” offer subsidies for photovoltaic installations for households. Although they mainly target smaller installations, they can also be part of a larger PV farm financing strategy.
  5. Investment funds and working with investors:
    • Ability to raise capital from private investors or venture capital funds that specialize in green technology investments.
  6. Leasing:
    • Financing in the form of operating leases or finance leases. It is an increasingly popular form of raising funds for the purchase and installation of photovoltaic systems, especially in the business sector.

For a specific project to build a photovoltaic farm, it is worth analyzing all available financing options and choosing the most favorable from a financial, operational perspective and in line with the planned scale and objectives of the project.

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Lighthief is innovation, technology and science in the service of recycling photovoltaic panels and wind farms. The company's topics of interest touch on recovery and recycling in the broadest sense, mainly in the field of RES, or renewable energy sources.


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+ 48 797 897 895

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