Photovoltaic installation problem – we check what happened in Kielce

Photovoltaic installation problem – we check what happened in Kielce

Why did the efficiency of the photovoltaic system suddenly drop? Despite the sunny days, production has clearly declined. Why do neighboring “PVs” work better? And finally, how to remedy it?

A concerned customer approached us with such questions in the middle of summer. Its installation has worked flawlessly until recently. Astronergy photovoltaic modules placed on the roof with a total capacity of 3.9 kWp connected by solar cable to a HUAWEI Sun2000L 3.68KTL L1 inverter, located in the attic.

Photovoltaic installation problem – components from reputable manufacturers

Both the inverter and panels at our customer’s site were from recognized manufacturers, so there would be no problem replacing them in case of any malfunction.

The Huawei customer’s app, which he had installed on his phone so he could keep track of getting from the installation for a week, indicated a lack of production! There was no mention of errors in the application, nor was the problem with the WiFi connection between the inverter and the application previously ruled out.

So what was the cause of the malfunctioning photovoltaic system? Soon, through us, the customer found out.

Problem with photovoltaic installation

So let’s start at the beginning.

We started the order by reviewing the documentation. The HUAWEI Sun2000L 3.68KTL L1 inverter, which was placed in the attic, meets the IP65 standard. This means that it can be installed in areas with adverse environmental conditions, such as an attic or basement.

We then began a visual inspection of the photovoltaic system. Astronergy panels installed correctly and MC4 connectors hooked up correctly. At no point on the roof did we encounter “hanging” or loose cables. The next step is to visually inspect the solar cable routed to the inverter. The cable is 6mm2 thick, so selected according to the art, leading to the inverter.

And that’s where the problem came in! Placing the inverter in the attic proved to be fraught with consequences. Why? The cable was bitten! Its continuity was interrupted hence the conclusion that this is the cause of problems with the photovoltaic installation!

So we had the source of the problem. So the obvious recommendation was to replace the solar cable.

Photovoltaic installation problem – marten or mice?

Problem solved but the owner also had to deal with the cause of the problem. Together we went around the entire attic looking for traces of the “perpetrator.” Near the chimney we located accumulated droppings, as it later turned out house marten .

House marten

Let’s remember that.

House martens can cause quite a bit of trouble for owners of photovoltaic installations.

In view of her presence, our client had to take precautionary measures. Martens not only chew through cables but also damage roof sheathing.

An effective way to deal with martens turns out to be the installation of a deterrent device.


Finally, the owner of the photovoltaic system replaced the solar cable connecting the panels to the inverter, and got rid of the uninvited guest. As a prophylactic measure in case the pest returned, he installed a deterrent device in the attic.

After replacing the cable, the production of the photovoltaic system returned to normal and the customer is happy to see the graphs on the app.

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Lighthief is innovation, technology and science in the service of recycling photovoltaic panels and wind farms. The company's topics of interest touch on recovery and recycling in the broadest sense, mainly in the field of RES, or renewable energy sources.


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+ 48 797 897 895

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