photovoltaic installations

The forgotten Jan Czochralski

The forgotten Jan Czochralski Jan Czochralski was a Polish chemist and metallurgist whose research had a tremendous impact on the development of electronics and semiconductor technology, mainly through the development of a method for growing silicon monocrystals, known today as the Czochralski method. Born in Kcynia, Greater Poland, on October 23, 1885, Czochralski began his … Read more

Financing a photovoltaic farm?

Financing a photovoltaic farm? Do you want to build your photovoltaic farm but don’t know how to go about it on the financial side? Here a rather ”juicy” podcast featuring Konrad, who specializes in obtaining financing for renewable energy sources. Konrad has been working with Nami for some time and I appreciate him for his … Read more

Photovoltaics in Poland – ETRI Report

Photovoltaics in Poland – Report ETRI 2023, published by the Institute of Renewable Energy (IEO), presents the state of development of the photovoltaic market in Poland at the end of 2022. The institute presented it in November 2023. Poland’s installed photovoltaic capacity exceeded 12 GW this year, the report says. Therefore, this represents a record … Read more

What is the abbreviation?

What is the abbreviation? Renewable energy sources (RES) have become increasingly popular in recent years. They are environmentally friendly and reduce emissions of harmful greenhouse gases. In this regard, it is worth taking a closer look at the various terms related to RES. What is the abbreviation? – basics RES – renewable energy sources RES … Read more


Lighthief is innovation, technology and science in the service of recycling photovoltaic panels and wind farms. The company's topics of interest touch on recovery and recycling in the broadest sense, mainly in the field of RES, or renewable energy sources.


St. Kazimierza 2B, 42-226 Częstochowa, Poland

+ 48 797 897 895

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+48 797 897 895