solar panel cleaning

Monitoring of photovoltaic parks

Monitorowanie farm fotowoltaicznych

Monitoring of photovoltaic parks The Revolution in Photovoltaic Farm Monitoring: Innovative Solutions for Maximum Efficiency The photovoltaic sector is currently experiencing a real renaissance, being one of the fastest growing sources of renewable electricity. As the number of solar farms grows, so does the need for advanced monitoring systems to fully control and optimize their … Read more

We service and clean photovoltaics Warsaw

Serwisujemy i myjemy fotowoltaikę Warszawa

We service and clean photovoltaics Warsaw Servicing home photovoltaic systems is crucial for several reasons. Regular maintenance and inspection can ensure optimal performance, longer system life and safety. Why service photovoltaic installations? We service and clean photovoltaics Warsaw. Main problems found by service technicians: We service and clean photovoltaics Warsaw. Regular servicing of photovoltaic systems … Read more

To clean or not to clean photovoltaics?

To clean or not to clean photovoltaics? Why do so many of the users of photovoltaic installations believe that they should not be cleaned? Where do the myths come from that the modules will be cleaned by rain and energy will flow from them like a mythical ”perpetual motion machine”? In the world of sustainable … Read more

When dirt doesn’t allow you to make money!

When dirt doesn’t allow you to make money! The cleanliness of photovoltaic panels is a key element in ensuring their high performance and longevity. Dirt, dust, leaves, bird droppings and even traces of rainfall can form a layer of dirt on the surface of the panels, significantly reducing their effectiveness. Here are some key reasons … Read more

Don’t be dirty!

Don’t be dirty! Washing and cleaning a photovoltaic installation means taking proper care of the optimal level of energy production and the absence of many malfunctions such as ”hot spots” or delamination. Let’s juxtapose the construction of solar panels with their cleaning. Don’t be dirty! Here are the basic elements of photovoltaic panel design: Don’t … Read more

Photovoltaic cleaning season has begun

Photovoltaic cleaning season has begun Cleaning the photovoltaic system on your roof or plot of land is better left to the professionals. If you are looking for a company that provides such services nationwide, we invite you to contact us. The cleaning of solar panels and photovoltaic farms is one of the key factors affecting … Read more

How to make money from washing photovoltaics?

How to make money from washing photovoltaics? Our first podcast revolving around RES topics Also, forgive the fact that the voice of the interviewees is a little ”tuba” – this is Our first recording and some circumstances we could not foresee. The next podcasts will surely get better and better on the sound side. But … Read more

Recycling of photovoltaic panels – responsibility and opportunity for the environment

Panel recycling photovoltaic – responsibility and opportunity for the environment. Photovoltaic panels are an increasingly popular source of electricity. They are an environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels, and their use contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Like any product, photovoltaic panels have a certain lifespan. After its expiration, it should be disposed of. This … Read more

Impact of photovoltaic installations on the electric grid

Impact of photovoltaic installations on the electric grid. Photovoltaic installations are an increasingly popular source of renewable energy. In Poland, their installed capacity is growing steadily, and in 2023 it exceeded 7 GW. The impact of photovoltaics on the electric grid is both positive and negative. Positive impact of photovoltaics Positive impacts of photovoltaics on … Read more

Grants and subsidies for RES in Poland

Grants and subsidies for RES in Poland Renewable energy sources (or RES for short) are an increasingly popular form of obtaining electricity and heat. Their development is supported by government grant and subsidy programs. Grants and subsidies in Poland There are many subsidy and grant programs for RES. And among the most popular are: Impact … Read more


Lighthief is innovation, technology and science in the service of recycling photovoltaic panels and wind farms. The company's topics of interest touch on recovery and recycling in the broadest sense, mainly in the field of RES, or renewable energy sources.


St. Kazimierza 2B, 42-226 Częstochowa, Poland

+ 48 797 897 895

Lighthief {{current_year}}

+48 797 897 895