
Prosument – more and more prosumers on the Polish market

Prosumer – more and more prosumers in the Polish market, and thus more and more power of photovoltaic, prosumer installations. Who is a prosumer? What are the current rules for billing prosumers? Prosumers – who are they? With regard to photovoltaics, a prosumer is a person who generates electricity from renewable energy sources (RES), i.e. … Read more

Change in the Clean Air Program

Change in the Clean Air Program – announced on the website of theNational Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW). What are the planned changes? From when will they be effective? And, most importantly, why was it decided to modify the rules previously in place? In a release, NFOSiGW wrote: “In view of the … Read more

Photovoltaic panels in winter

Photovoltaic panels in winter, or how to protect a photovoltaic installation in winter. Winter is a time for PV owners that is completely different from other seasons. Winter conditions can adversely affect the efficiency of solar panels, which can result in reduced energy production. Winter Pollution and Threats to Photovoltaic Panels With the onset of … Read more

Frosts in Poland – How to take care of a photovoltaic installation during frosts?

Frosts in Poland – How to take care of a photovoltaic installation during frosts? The winter of early 2024 in Poland is exceptionally cold. Temperatures have plummeted below -20 degrees Celsius, and in some regions have persisted for more than a dozen days. Such conditions can be extreme for photovoltaic installations. Although by design we … Read more

OSD, or Distribution System Operator

OSD, or Distribution System Operator. Who are the Distribution System Operators? How many are there in Poland? What are the competencies of the DSOs? In Poland, we have 206 Electricity System Operators. They have a current, issued by the President of the URE (Energy Regulatory Office) license. 205 of them for electricity distribution, and one … Read more

Record power demand in Poland

Record power demand in Poland as of January 9, 2024. As a result of the freezing weather across Poland, a record 28,416 MW of domestic power demand was recorded. For now these are preliminary data so updates can be expected. The following were announced on their website PSE (Polskie Sieci Energetyczne). The previous maximum demand … Read more

Supervision and monitoring, or O&M Services in practice

Supervision and monitoring, or O&M Services in practice. What is it, what is it based on, and is it worth it? Owners of photovoltaic farms very often wonder if it is needed at all? What is the purpose of using O&M service? When we want to place funds, our wish is for the investment to … Read more

Record year 2023 – spot trading on POLPX up 91.4% year-on-year

Record year 2023 – spot trading on POLPX in increased by 91.4% year-on-year! But this is not the only record recorded. As reported by POLPX, or Towarowa Giełda Energii, in its summary. The year 2023 brought increases on spot energy trading and also on guarantees of origin trading. The total volume of electricity trading on … Read more

Register of energy producers in a small installation

Register of small-scale energy producers, also known as MIOZE, – what is it? Who is included in this register? And what requirements must be met by the entities included in it? On the URE (Energy Regulatory Authority) we can find various registers. One of them is the register of small-scale energy producers. The register is … Read more

Important announcement from the ERO

Important announcement from the ERO – concerns the correction of applications for certificates of origin. The announcement is related to the negative energy prices recorded in December on the Polish Power Exchange (POLPX). Previously, such a situation occurred in October 2023. Certificate of origin, a document that confirms that electricity was generated from renewable energy … Read more


Lighthief is innovation, technology and science in the service of recycling photovoltaic panels and wind farms. The company's topics of interest touch on recovery and recycling in the broadest sense, mainly in the field of RES, or renewable energy sources.


St. Kazimierza 2B, 42-226 Częstochowa, Poland

+ 48 797 897 895

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+48 797 897 895