construction of photovoltaic farms

Theft and vandalism at photovoltaic farms

Kradzieże i wandalizmy na farmach fotowoltaicznych

Theft and vandalism at photovoltaic farms Comprehensive protection of photovoltaic farms: Strategies to counter theft and vandalism Photovoltaic farms represent a significant investment that requires not only proper installation and maintenance, but also effective safety measures. Unfortunately, as solar energy becomes more popular, so does the risk of theft and vandalism at these facilities. The … Read more

Monitoring of photovoltaic parks

Monitorowanie farm fotowoltaicznych

Monitoring of photovoltaic parks The Revolution in Photovoltaic Farm Monitoring: Innovative Solutions for Maximum Efficiency The photovoltaic sector is currently experiencing a real renaissance, being one of the fastest growing sources of renewable electricity. As the number of solar farms grows, so does the need for advanced monitoring systems to fully control and optimize their … Read more

Photovoltaics and energy self-consumption

Photovoltaics and energy self-consumption Harness the full potential of photovoltaics: Increase self-consumption of electricity Photovoltaic installation is an investment that brings tangible financial and environmental benefits. However, in order to realize its full potential, attention must be paid to the issue of self-consumption of electricity. Understanding the concept of self-consumption Autoconsumption refers to the amount … Read more

Cyber security of photovoltaic investments

Cyber security of photovoltaic investments Introduction to Cyber Security at Photovoltaic Farms. In an era of increasing numbers of photovoltaic installations that generate significant amounts of renewable energy, the relevance of cybersecurity in this sector is becoming increasingly urgent. Photovoltaic farms, as key elements of critical infrastructure, are increasingly the target of cyber-attacks that can … Read more

Financing a photovoltaic farm?

Financing a photovoltaic farm? Do you want to build your photovoltaic farm but don’t know how to go about it on the financial side? Here a rather ”juicy” podcast featuring Konrad, who specializes in obtaining financing for renewable energy sources. Konrad has been working with Nami for some time and I appreciate him for his … Read more

Check before you buy!

Check before you buy! How to avoid pitfalls in the process of technical and legal verification i.e. Due Diligence for photovoltaic farms and PV projects Nowadays, photovoltaic farms have become a highly desirable investment target. Both PV installation projects and already-built solar power plants represent attractive investment opportunities. Before purchasing a photovoltaic farm, regardless of … Read more

From boom to trouble

From boom to trouble The state of Polish photovoltaic companies: from boom to market collapse In recent years, photovoltaics in Poland have experienced a real boom. Millions of households have decided to invest in photovoltaic installations. Attracted by promises of lower energy bills, energy independence and environmental protection. Government programs such as My Electricity, Clean … Read more

Management of photovoltaic farms

Management of photovoltaic farms Reducing expenses and increasing profitability: Cost optimization strategies for managing a photovoltaic farm In today’s article, we will discuss cost optimization strategies for managing a photovoltaic farm. Understanding the importance of reducing expenses and increasing profitability in the PV industry is critical to success. We will also present key strategies that … Read more

Elements of a photovoltaic project

Elements of a photovoltaic project Photovoltaics is a technology that converts solar energy into electricity using solar panels. Photovoltaic design elements. Designing and implementing photovoltaic systems is a complicated process, but with the right knowledge and planning, success can be achieved. In this article, we will present a guide to running a photovoltaic project that … Read more

Choosing a plot of land for a photovoltaic farm

Choosing a plot of land for a photovoltaic farm Criteria for Site Selection for the Construction of a Photovoltaic Farm. Key Elements and Tips. I’m Arek, and today, together with you, we will dissect the important aspects of siting photovoltaic farms. Why this particular issue? The answer is simple! Solar energy is the foundation of … Read more


Lighthief is innovation, technology and science in the service of recycling photovoltaic panels and wind farms. The company's topics of interest touch on recovery and recycling in the broadest sense, mainly in the field of RES, or renewable energy sources.


St. Kazimierza 2B, 42-226 Częstochowa, Poland

+ 48 797 897 895

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+48 797 897 895