solar power plant

Photovoltaics in Poland – ETRI Report

Photovoltaics in Poland – Report ETRI 2023, published by the Institute of Renewable Energy (IEO), presents the state of development of the photovoltaic market in Poland at the end of 2022. The institute presented it in November 2023. Poland’s installed photovoltaic capacity exceeded 12 GW this year, the report says. Therefore, this represents a record … Read more

Solar power plant project – 0.998 MW in the province. Silesian

Solar power plant project – we check the correctness of the documentation of a photovoltaic farm with a capacity of 0.998 MW in the province. SLE. Silesia a region in southern Poland where insolation is well above the national average of insolation. The average insolation in Poland ranges from 950 to 1,100 kWh per square … Read more

Register of energy producers in a small installation

Register of small-scale energy producers, also known as MIOZE, – what is it? Who is included in this register? And what requirements must be met by the entities included in it? On the URE (Energy Regulatory Authority) we can find various registers. One of them is the register of small-scale energy producers. The register is … Read more

Audit of photovoltaic farm – 1MW near Częstochowa

Audit of photovoltaic farm – 1 MW near Częstochowa, in the province of Silesia . Our client, who is taking his first steps in investing in Renewable Energy Sources ( RES ) decided to invest the funds in the purchase of a ready-made photovoltaic farm. What should guide his purchase? What to look out for? … Read more

Building Photovoltaic Farms: From Design to Implementation

Building Photovoltaic Farms: From Design to Implementation The design and construction of a photovoltaic farm is the process involved in creating and commissioning installations that convert solar energy into electricity. Below is a general and simplified diagram from design to construction. Photovoltaic Farm Design Building a Photovoltaic Farm The design and construction of photovoltaic farms … Read more


Lighthief is innovation, technology and science in the service of recycling photovoltaic panels and wind farms. The company's topics of interest touch on recovery and recycling in the broadest sense, mainly in the field of RES, or renewable energy sources.


St. Kazimierza 2B, 42-226 Częstochowa, Poland

+ 48 797 897 895

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+48 797 897 895