photovoltaic system

Check before you buy!

Check before you buy! How to avoid pitfalls in the process of technical and legal verification i.e. Due Diligence for photovoltaic farms and PV projects Nowadays, photovoltaic farms have become a highly desirable investment target. Both PV installation projects and already-built solar power plants represent attractive investment opportunities. Before purchasing a photovoltaic farm, regardless of … Read more

We talk to Maciek about the sale

We talk to Maciek about the sale. My conversation with Our Sales Director Maciej Krzyzanowski on the RES market, sales processes, ”salesmen hiccups” and problems with contractors. Maciej talks about how the market and the photovoltaic industry as a whole is changing, and what changes we have seen at Lighthief. Poland’s photovoltaic market has experienced … Read more

Management of photovoltaic farms

Management of photovoltaic farms Reducing expenses and increasing profitability: Cost optimization strategies for managing a photovoltaic farm In today’s article, we will discuss cost optimization strategies for managing a photovoltaic farm. Understanding the importance of reducing expenses and increasing profitability in the PV industry is critical to success. We will also present key strategies that … Read more

Choosing a plot of land for a photovoltaic farm

Choosing a plot of land for a photovoltaic farm Criteria for Site Selection for the Construction of a Photovoltaic Farm. Key Elements and Tips. I’m Arek, and today, together with you, we will dissect the important aspects of siting photovoltaic farms. Why this particular issue? The answer is simple! Solar energy is the foundation of … Read more

A smart meter in every home

A smart meter in every home Tauron Dystrybucja plans to install more than 1 million smart electricity meters (VOCs) at its customers by the end of 2025. The introduction of this state-of-the-art solution enables the use of dynamic tariff plans and makes it easier for power companies to collect meter data. Tauron stresses that smart … Read more

How does a photovoltaic farm work?

How does a photovoltaic farm work? Have you wondered how the photovoltaic power plants that increasingly adorn the Polish landscape work? 1. how does a photovoltaic farm work? Absorption of sunlight by photovoltaic panels: At the heart of a photovoltaic farm are solar panels, which are made up of photovoltaic cells. These cells, usually made … Read more

Photovoltaic installation – service, Klobuck near Czestochowa

Photovoltaic installation – service, Klobuck near Częstochowa in the Silesia . It all started as usual with a phone call from a customer who reported a drop in the performance of his photovoltaic installation. After a brief conversation and gathering basic information about the installation, we scheduled an appointment for an accurate diagnosis of the … Read more

Earthworks on construction of photovoltaic power plant

Earthworks on construction of photovoltaic power plant A photovoltaic power plant is an investment that, according to Polish construction law, must meet a number of legal and construction requirements. We’ll take a peek today at the earthworks that must accompany any PV farm. The implementation of the above-mentioned stages requires cooperation with experienced specialists and … Read more

Who invests in a photovoltaic farm?

Who invests in a photovoltaic farm? There are not many options for Polish manufacturing companies to control the price of electricity consumed in their factories and plants! Well, unless we build ourselves a photovoltaic farm…. In recent years we have seen a dynamic development of the photovoltaic market in Poland. Investments in renewable energy sources, … Read more

Construction step by step

Construction step by step How to build a photovoltaic farm of about 1MW : step-by-step process The construction of a photovoltaic (PV) farm brings tangible environmental as well as financial benefits. In this video we present the entire process of building a photovoltaic farm in terms of the implementation of the investment after obtaining all … Read more


Lighthief is innovation, technology and science in the service of recycling photovoltaic panels and wind farms. The company's topics of interest touch on recovery and recycling in the broadest sense, mainly in the field of RES, or renewable energy sources.


St. Kazimierza 2B, 42-226 Częstochowa, Poland

+ 48 797 897 895

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+48 797 897 895