Our Projects

Inspections of photovoltaic installations – Olesno

Inspections of photovoltaic installations – Olesno in the province of Opolskie . As the classic says – when it’s winter, it must be cold 🙂 But does the cold affect the performance of the photovoltaic system? Do our small power plants produce less electricity in the winter? Of course! The answer to both questions is … Read more

Overview of photovoltaic microinstallation in Częstochowa

Review of photovoltaic micro-installation in Częstochowa Częstochowa in the province of. Silesia it is here that our team was commissioned to carry out a review of the photovoltaic installation. The photovoltaic installation located on the ground in the garden next to a single-family house consists of JinKo panels and a HUAWEI inverter. The total capacity … Read more

Receipt of photovoltaic modules from Olesno

Collection of photovoltaic modules from Olesno, in Opole province. What happened to photovoltaic panels? Why did the owner have to recycle them? And finally, can the panels be thrown in the garbage? Typically, a domestic photovoltaic installation is placed on the roof of a building. This solution for single-family houses is right for several reasons. … Read more

Solar power plant project – 0.998 MW in the province. Silesian

Solar power plant project – we check the correctness of the documentation of a photovoltaic farm with a capacity of 0.998 MW in the province. SLE. Silesia a region in southern Poland where insolation is well above the national average of insolation. The average insolation in Poland ranges from 950 to 1,100 kWh per square … Read more

Cracked photovoltaic panels – collection of modules from a farm near Wroclaw, Poland

Cracked photovoltaic panels – collection of modules from a farm near Wroclaw, in the province of Lower Silesia. When the panels located on the site of a photovoltaic power plant begin to crack then sooner or later they must be replaced. The problem of cracking photovoltaic panels on solar farms has been a growing issue … Read more

Photovoltaic installation not working – what is the cause?

Photovoltaic installation not working – what is the cause? The company setting up the photovoltaics disappeared from the market and with it disappeared the ability to ask “what’s going on that doesn’t work?” Unfortunately, our client, like many others, was left alone with his photovoltaic installation. Mostly this happens when the company that installs photovoltaics … Read more

Audit of photovoltaic farm – 1MW near Częstochowa

Audit of photovoltaic farm – 1 MW near Częstochowa, in the province of Silesia . Our client, who is taking his first steps in investing in Renewable Energy Sources ( RES ) decided to invest the funds in the purchase of a ready-made photovoltaic farm. What should guide his purchase? What to look out for? … Read more

Overview: photovoltaic installation in Olsztyn

Inspection: photovoltaic installation, that is, checking the condition and operation of the solar power plant after 2 years of operation. “I need a check, a sort of farm inspection, of my installation,” he said. A customer approached Us with these words, and when asked if there was anything troubling with the installation, he emphatically denied … Read more

Photovoltaic installation problem – we check what happened in Kielce

Photovoltaic installation problem – we check what happened in Kielce Why did the efficiency of the photovoltaic system suddenly drop? Despite the sunny days, production has clearly declined. Why do neighboring “PVs” work better? And finally, how to remedy it? A concerned customer approached us with such questions in the middle of summer. Its installation … Read more

Service of the photovoltaic installation on the roof of the production hall – Lubliniec

Service of photovoltaic installation on the roof of the production hall – Lubliniec / woj. Silesian Report In July of this year, we received a notification from the owner of a photovoltaic installation, located on the roof of a production hall. The 48 kWp installation was installed in 2021 and has not yet been inspected … Read more


Lighthief is innovation, technology and science in the service of recycling photovoltaic panels and wind farms. The company's topics of interest touch on recovery and recycling in the broadest sense, mainly in the field of RES, or renewable energy sources.


St. Kazimierza 2B, 42-226 Częstochowa, Poland


+ 48 797 897 895

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+48 797 897 895